Saturday, February 27, 2010

We went to Grandma and Grandpa Harris' new old house today to help move some things before demolition starts on Monday. We all put our work clothes on, and I wore a hardhat to do some work. Then I took a little break and put a pretty bow in my hair!

Baby Jail

Mom and Dad don't trust me on the stairs unsupervised. I worked so hard trying to figure out this crazy gate that I wore myself out and had to take a nap. Notice the but-in-the-air position. Mom and Dad think it's super cute!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Oh the Eyes!

This might be mom's new favorite picture of me because of those beautiful eyes! I left the hat on exactly long enough for her to take ONE picture! Hahaha!

More cute pics

Hangin' out in my super cute overalls from Grandma and Grandpa Mills.

Caught on Video

I officially started babbling on Valentine's Day, but mom and dad couldn't catch it on film until today. They have been waiting and waiting for me to "talk". I wonder if they ever wish I was still the quiet baby they used to have?

I love to "read" books. We do story time every night before bed and a bunch of times during the day. I've started pulling the books off the shelf by myself and even look through them by myself! I especially love my big picture books.

Naked Baby

I escaped from mom after a bath and diaper change to climb the stairs. Mom couldn't help herself from taking some naked baby pictures!


The stairs might be my favorite place in the house. I am finally learning to go down backwards, but still need some careful spotting! I am also standing without holding onto anything more and more. Mom and Dad are worried because I am trying to get myself to standing without pulling up and that means I might walk soon. Scary!!!

Happy Chinese New Year (Oh, yeah, and Valentine's Day)

Grandma Harris got me a super cute Chinese New Year outfit from San Fransisco. The Chinese New Year happened to be on Valentine's day this year, so we ordered Chinese food, I dressed up for the occasion, and we had fun. Oh, yeah, and I finally have enough hair to hold a bow clip in place! Yippie!

Play date with Cousin Eli

Eli and his parents came over for a play date. We all had lunch together and then Eli and I played together in the family room for a long time. Eli did his first few stairs that day!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Who needs "baby" toys?

Mom caught me trying to re-arrange some dishes in the "safe for baby" (a.k.a. no knives or chemicals) cabinet. My main goal was to move things enough that I so I have room to move around comfortably and reach everything! The dangling cord was my doing, which prompted mom to re-arrange the whole darn kitchen so I get into less trouble!