Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Playing Outside

Eating outside

Third Cake

Third Birthday!

Mom and Dad threw a birthday party for me on Saturday and I had a great time. We cooked out, played, and ate cake. Mom made a cool cupcake-cake and I got to try my third kind of cake, Red Velvet. I had fun playing with friends on my new slide and in my sandbox. We got out all of my outside toys and had a great time.


You can run (or crawl) laps around Aunt Shannon's house. I think Trent got 10 laps for every one of Cason and mine, but we all had fun!

Cute Cousins

It's really tough to get a good picture of 3 kids 3 and under!

Bed Time

We totally look ready for sleep, right?!

Story Time

Bath time

Three kids in a bath is busy! We shared, well, though.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Texas Birthday

We had a birthday celebration in Texas the night before my real birthday. I've decided I like cake!

MORE Playing....


Trent and Carson have lots of toys that I don't have and we had a lot of fun playing with them. I especially like their little Radio Flyer Scoot about!


Trent and Carson have a really fun slide that we all enjoyed using. Trent was the only one that could climb the steps and slide down without help (though aunt Shannon had to help Carson and I not get creamed!). Carson can nearly climb the slide to the top all by himself!

Our First Pony Ride!

We all took our first pony ride at the Ft. Worth Stock Yards. It was lots of fun. I was clapping and waving. Trent didn't even need his dad to hold onto him!

Ft. Worth Stock Yards

Trent's new cowboy hat
My first pony ride!

Hanging out with Mom
Riding in style in the Double Bob with Carson

Dad with his hands full!

Dad was trying to stay in bed the morning after we arrived, but we all decided we wanted to play with him. I think he might have been a little overwhelmed with three of us at one time!

Flying to Dallas

I was so excited to go play with my cousins in Dallas, so I took a good nap on the plane to rest up!

First Cupcake then Bathtime

Cousin Eli and I had our first birthday celebration while Grandma and Grandpa Mills were in town and got to have our first cupcakes. I wasn't sure what to do at first, but got it figured out pretty quickly! Then we both took a bath to wash all the cake and frosting off!