Not in the mood for picturesPopcicle + Paci + Blankie + Mom and Dad's Bed + Thomas the Train on the TV = calmed down child with a chin laceration.
What would have taken 5 stiches with multiple people to hold a 2 year old still not long ago was fixed with the awesome skin glue product called Dermabond. No sedation, no pokes. :)
Kira took a tiny tumble in our dining room last night and caught herself with her chin instead of her hands, resulting in about a 1.5cm cut on the underside of her chin.
I did actually take Kira to one of my ER's to fix this as Ben was very worried about his little girl's face and wanted someone else to do any stiching that had to be done so she didn't associate me with needles coming at her face. Luckily the two docs on agreed with me that this was a good spot to dermabond and we did it in less than 10 minutes. (I brought my own dermabond from my stash at home and didn't check in, so no hospital bill!)