Sunday, May 26, 2013

We have picnics

Kira now rides her scoot bike all the way to turtle park and back. We have been bringing a picnic lunch and having a very fun time.

We ride bikes...

I had my last helper day at Kira's school

Man do the kids love outside time. They run races, and run races, and run races.

Time out doesn't phase her...

Elise is happy to stand in a corner. And then go back to whatever she's been doing.

Kira turned 4

On the weekend of GranJan's memorial service, so we had a small cake and celebration with Grammy K, Grandpa J, and mom's aunt and uncle.

Philosophical conversation

Great GranJan passed away and we had a family memorial service. Afterwards, Elise and Grandpa J sat down for a private conversation. She was rapt with attention.

Kira's school had a carnival.

The kids had so much fun with the petting zoo, bouncy houses, horse drawn carriage and train.

Elise seems judgemental...

Because she loves to walk around with her hands on her hips. We think it is hilarious.

When daddy travels, we think we should sleep in mommy daddy bed

We had a fun play day with our cousins...

We destroyed our room in 5 minutes flat. We ran races in the field. We played ring around the rosey over and over. It was great fun.

Elise took a super cute picture...

We got our floors redone

The girls loved Mommy's floor bed that we slept in before the floor guys came. They turned out great! No more carpet on our stairs. I can't tell you how happy I am to never vacuum stairs again.

We ran in the sprinklers on Easter...

And then it snowed the next week.

We played in the neighborhood with other kids

We do this a lot. But, here are some pictures.

Yes, we walk in our neighborhood with our stick horses

And the girls love it!

The Easter bunny came

And brought hard boiled eggs and a dye kit (can you tell we had sick kids who didn't want to dye eggs prior to Easter?). No egg was colored in only one color. The girls got beads and sunglasses and looked cute.