Friday, March 12, 2010

My first (and hopefully last!) ER Visit

I started getting sick last night and woke up today with a big fever. Mom couldn't figure out why I might be sick since I don't have a cold, my ears aren't infected, and I wasn't vomiting or having diarrhea. I slept all but 2 hours and didn't play with a single toy today and kept spiking fevers to 102.5 before I was due for Tylenol or Motrin. Mom checked my urine and it looked bad, but it was after office hours. The pediatrician said I had to go to the ER and have a catheter specimen and get on antibiotics. I didn't like that visit one bit, and I usually like the doctor. The ER urine looked bad, too, so I'm on antibiotics and will have an ultrasound of my plumbing system when I'm done. I'll keep you posted on the progress!

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